flower + furbish
calathea zebrina (zebra plant)
calathea zebrina (zebra plant)
a little about me…
they get a bad rep, but they are very forgiving (until they're not...)!
if you notice a yellowing tip or edge burn, especially on older leaves, it is most likely due to your tap water. to solve this, allow your tap water to stand overnight before watering so the chlorine and fluoride can evaporate. once your leaf turns brown/yellow, remove it with clean shears or scissors to keep the focus on healthy leaves + new growth.
s u n
calathea will grow best with medium to bright indirect light. direct sunlight will burn its leaves!
w a t e r
keep your calathea’s soil moist, but never soggy. if you notice your leaves drooping, check the soil! the leaves will typically perk right back up after a thorough watering.
calathea also enjoy high humidity, and there are a few ways to achieve this! your plant will enjoy being misted, placed on a pebble tray, or placed near a humidifier!
t o x i c i t y
this plant is non-toxic to cats, dogs, and humans!