flower + furbish
ficus microcarpa (ficus bonsai tree)
ficus microcarpa (ficus bonsai tree)
a little about me
these are a great plant if you're looking to get in to bonsai!
s u n
give it bright, consistent light— preferably by a sunny window. turn the plant every few months once it begins to lean toward the light.
w a t e r
water only when you stick your finger in the soil and it is dry to your second knuckle. when the time comes, water thoroughly (until the water drains into the saucer) and allow to dry out again. if plants don’t get enough water, new leaves will turn brown and drop; on the other hand, if they are overwatered, the oldest leaves (toward the base of the plant) will turn brown and fall off. these plants are light drought tolerant, so under watering is better than over
t o x i c i t y
these are toxic to pets and humans