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flower + furbish

ficus microcarpa (moclame)

ficus microcarpa (moclame)

Regular price $238.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $238.00 USD
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a little about me…

the ficus microcarpa, commonly called the ficus moclame, comes from southeast asia and australia.  a forgiving houseplant, if you take care of it, it'll reward you with beautiful foliage and growth.  while forgiving, it is also susceptible to transplant and relocation shock.  while adjusting, your moclame might have leaves turn yellow and fall off.  as long as you monitor and there is new growth visible after a few weeks, your plant is on it's way to adjustment!

s u n 

this plant will grow best with bright, indirect sunlight. if your moclame does not get enough sun, its growth will be stunted.

w a t e r 

water to keep the soil moist, but never soggy. the ficus moclame does not like to dry out completely. if you notice your leaves drying out, check the soil! the leaves will sometimes perk right back up after a thorough watering. as with all houseplants, plant care begins with the soil. ficus varieties need soil that holds moisture, but is also well draining. without good drainage, the roots will rot and kill your plant. on the other end, a lack of water will cause leaves to dry out and drop.  these plants enjoy high humidity, and there are a few ways to achieve this!  your plant will appreciate being frequently misted, placed on a pebble tray, or placed near a humidifier!

t o x i c i t y 

 this plant is toxic, so keep it out of reach of pets and small humans.

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