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flower + furbish

dionaea muscipula (venus fly trap)

dionaea muscipula (venus fly trap)

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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 a little about me…

the venus fly trap is found in anture in only very small areas of north and south carolina.  due to human activity, is it going extinct in the wild.

traps have tiny hairs on the inside which sense bugs and eat them for nutrients.  each trap only has a few tapping motions before it's life cycle is compolete and it dies off.  when stems turn black and die, cut them off to maintain growth.

does your venus fly trap look dead in the winter? that's normal! she's gone dormant and will come back in warmer weather!

no insects inside your house (lucky!)? set it outside for a few days so it can eat.  venus fly traps do NOT need to be fertilized, they only need insects to live.

s u n 

they love bright, indirect light.  some direct light is ok, but no more that a few hours daily.  a south facing window is perfect.

w a t e r 

in the warmer months, keep your venus fly trap in a tray of water so it's always moist.  during the winter months, keep it moist, but not as moist as the warmer months.

use only distilled or rain water for your venus fly trap

t o x i c i t y 

it is non toxic to animals and humans!

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